Radical Mission Discussion

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Successful Executable Strategic Plan Keeps the Vision, Values and the Mission Separate

A successful executable strategical program understand the necessity of these 3 core foundational statements:

  • Vision

  • Values

  • Mission

Each of these constituents lends to the overall stableness for the concern much like the 3 leg stool. When one leg is missing, the stool is not steady and cannot support the individual sitting on it. In your business, missing one of these statements and your concern cannot support all the actions necessary for concern success.

During a recent meeting for a community wellness initiative, the vision and the missionary post of the grouping was discussed. Using the vision for Starbucks of having 2,000 supplies by the twelvemonth 2000 was cited as a good vision statement. Unfortunately, I believe that this is not a good vision statement because if it was Starbucks would not be shutting stars and retreating as it is currently doing. The large image was lost.

The vision is simply the large image of where the concern or organisation is headed. Measurements are not portion of this statement as you desire it to be generative and to move as a directional compass pointing to that vanishing point on the horizon.

Values are those non-negotiable behaviors that you desire everyone to show at all times. This is a separate statement and demands to be embraced from the top down. A strong values statement that is reinforced by actions when values are not adhered to shall make a civilization of strong work ethics.

Finally, much as been written by concern experts about the missionary post statement. Within my concern coaching job preparation services, I believe in results. So the missionary post statement should be the desired consequences by the end of the year. In other words, the missionary post is the large end or goals.

For my little concern clients to bigger corporate ones, this simply intends how much in sales, revenues, profits, or money in the depository financial institution make you desire at the end of the year. If the concern take parts in any quality programs, the end to keep or addition that evaluation is also included. That is it folks.

Then ends are written to back up this missionary post based upon marketplace research and company's historical information using this criteria: What is necessary and sufficient to accomplish the mission. When such as a simple attack is taken, the consequences talk for themselves because the concern is focused on business.

The simple ground most strategical programs neglect is because the missionary post statement is a clump of high priced, gobbledygook, flowery phrases that consequence in no 1 knowing if their actions are on mark or off target. Unless your employees are really skilled in mental thought transference and cognize how to hit a moving target, your missionary post statement should be easily understood. NOTE: You do not have got got to utilize existent numbers, but can replace percents to maintain proprietorship information proprietary.

Take action by reviewing your strategical program (this assumes that you have one) and make certain that your vision is the large picture, your values are enforced non-negotiable enforced behaviours and your missionary post is measurable. These actions will guarantee successful executing of your action program and accomplishment of your concern goals.

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