Radical Mission Discussion

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Having Trouble Creating Your Own Personal Mission Statement?

If you've read The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People or any other books by Sir Leslie Stephen R. Covey, you're familiar with the importance of a missionary post statement or a statement of purpose.

A missionary post statement is used to steer every facet of your life.

The problem is, many people just never look to calculate out HOW to do such as a statement that volition give intent and significance to every single thing they make in life.

They come up up with what they think is their missionary post statement, yet it doesn't throw up when they seek to utilize it as the footing for everything they make each and every day.

But that's exactly what your missionary post statement should make - it should make your life easier and more than focused because every morning time you can utilize your missionary post statement to plan your day.

Sounds impossible, doesn't it? But it's not only possible, it's very effective.

Here's the missionary post statement that both of us utilize to give intent and way to our lives, whether we're working together or not: The intent of my life is to attain and bask my full alone potentiality at any given clip and to assist as many other people in the human race as I can do the same thing - unrecorded up to their ain full alone potentiality at any given clip and bask doing so.

This statement is wide enough, yet focused enough, that we can each expression at this statement every morning time as we be after the twenty-four hours and usage it to make determinations as to which chances and activities we will take portion in that day. This missionary post statement uses to all facets of either of our lives as a spouse, parent, coach, author, speaker, etc.

Through the years, we've each discovered our true endowments and abilities, and we've learned how to utilize these endowments and abilities to bask our full potentiality at any given minute while also helping others attain their full potentiality at any given moment.

Our challenge to you today is this - Try applying our missionary post statement (above) to your ain life - just for a week, and usage it to program your activities and do decisions.

If you're a ma who's feeling conflicted because your kid desires you to volunteer to be room female parent this year, yet you really don't experience you have got the time, interest, or energy for that, then look at this missionary post statement BEFORE you make your decision.

Would being room female parent for your child's social class aid you recognize your full potentiality in any manner and bask the process? And, in so doing, would it let you to assist others (the teacher, the students, your ain child, etc.) attain their true potentiality in some way? Or, would this just go another job you would resent because you would experience it was taking you away from other, more than of import activities?

If you're a concern proprietor and you necessitate to do an of import determination this week, alkali your determination on whether it will not only assist you recognize your peak potential, but on whether it will assist your concern and all the people involved in that concern range their peak potential.

It will take some pattern applying this missionary post statement to your ain life. But just seek it for a hebdomad and see what happens.

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Thursday, September 6, 2007

Mission Statement Template For New Business Owners - The 4 Letter Version

Polishing a missionary post statement is something you can make in phases over time. The of import thing is to have got something down on paper which can steer you and the assorted stakeholders in your new business. Here is my 4 missive missionary post statement templet to acquire you started.

At first, your missionary post statement might necessitate 3 or more than sentences to integrate the kernel of the Q&A below. It may look 'too long' and not at all similar some of the posh Luck 500 versions.

Don't worry. That volition come up as you hone in on what is really bringing your business, yourself and your clients together. You will EARN it over time, for sure!

1 - Excellence

I don't intend flawlessness - which will drive you nuts. I intend excellence. There is something in your fictional character that desires to be truly first-class at what you make for your clients and for yourself.


a- What is it about this concern that you would bask becoming first-class at?

b- What is the excellence that you are offering your customers? (e.g. arsenic a service, a merchandise or both.)

2 - Answers

Your clients have got questions. They desire answers. Collectively these clients make marketplace demand. Your replies must fill up portion or all of their needs.


a- What are your clients top 3 combustion questions?

b- What are your answers?

2 - Rewarding

Reward - as in 'Dead or Alive'?

Not really. But some concerns have got ended up dead in the H2O because their missionary post statement either didn't be in the first topographic point or there were too many opponent military units canceling each other out.

Now, from my former inquiries and your replies it should be easier to see what the wages for your clients will be after doing concern with you.

Can you visualize their happiness, delectation or at least great satisfaction in having spent clip and money on you and your organization? If you can't yet see that, then revisit inquiries 1 and 2 again.

No, what I intend by 'rewarding' is what's in it for your employees (if you have got them), your contractors (e.g. from elance.com) and other encouraging vendors? There must be something that conveys you all together beyond just money.

And what is the 'reward' that you acquire from becoming an enterpriser - what with all those statistics about new concern startup failure rates.

You really necessitate to cognize WHY you are doing this and work it into your missionary post statement so that it reflects what you are all about.


a- What make your business-side stakeholders acquire out of their connexion with your business?

b- What's in it for you?

4 - Now

It really is now. That's all you have.

Start life your missionary post statement the very minute you perpetrate it to paper.

Some people believe their missionary post statement is something they subscribe off on old age from now once it is "mission accomplished".

I don't believe so.

The game starts now.

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